Mosquito Bites and Diseases

By Owen Jones

So, you've got some time off work, college or school and you want to get outdoors and get pleasure from it. Maybe even go on holiday. What a good idea! However what happens when you get where you are going? The mosquitoes come out to get you.

If it were not so commonplace, it would sound like Freddy Kruger and Nightmare on Elm Street. The female mosquitoes need blood to create eggs and they seek it out as rapaciously as any vampire in a horror film, while the males go sipping nectar from flowers like fairies.

Well, that is the nightmare setting, but it is not that far from the truth either. For many peoples in the world it is also a genuine life and death problem. Millions of people die every year from malaria and tons more from dengue too. Yet both of these diseases are curable as are most of the other mosquito-borne diseases like Yellow Fever, Japanese Jungle Encephalopathy and Nile fever.

The first thing to realize is that typically these diseases can be inoculated against, especially if you are going on holiday. The next thing to bear in mind - it might help - is that not all mosquitoes are the same. For example, in Thailand, the dengue-bearing mosquito (often called the 'Egyptian') comes out during the day time and so bites then too. Between about an hour before dawn and an hour after dusk, whereas the malaria-carrying mosquito, the Anopheles, is a night time huntress.

I am not suggesting that you can relax your guard during the day, although many people take for granted that they can. Nobody wants dengue fever either.

So, what can you do? Before you go anywhere, read up on the area or check with medical experts. That bit is not hard, particularly, if you know how to search the Internet. Then prepare yourself with inoculations if the risk is serious enough in your judgment or a medical expert's estimation. In my estimation, that is the minimum that a responsible person ought to be expected to do to protect him or herself, the family and the community at large.

Then there are a few other things you can do. For instance, wear voluminous clothes, but long sleeves and long trousers. If you are thin on top by choice or not, wear a hat or cap. Dress in socks or stockings in the evening to safeguard your toes. Get a good-quality mosquito repellent and put it on your bare skin, as often as necessary by the manufacturer, which is typically every four or five hours.

You could rationally stop there, but I like to go a bit further, if the situation warrants it. If I am outdoors in the garden at home or in a hotel, I like to have one of those tennis racquet style electric bug zappers with me. They are great for zapping the odd mosquito that irritates you. They are good for clearing the bedroom before sleeping too and lastly, if I'm renting, hiking, camping or caravaning, I might find space for a rechargeable lantern-style bug zapper too.

If the little so-and-sos are going to give me a fever, they are going to have to try very hard to do it. - 29954

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